Downhill Bowling - Too Bloody Right
You know what's wrong with bowling? Sure, there's the throwing a really heavy thing at the wobbly things, and the resulting destructive pleasure of watching them fall over, but it really falls short of the possible glory. What's wrong with bowling is it's not done as a downhill race, with bombs. Enter Downhill Bowling.
It's a Unity game, running in a web browser, which makes for easy ignoring-work-play. And it's well worth. Dumb as a brick that dropped out of nursery school, it's about bowling at ten frames of pins as you hurtle down a hillside.
There are bonus items to pick up as you play the ten levels, which lets your ball grow bigger, or shrink, or... SNIGGER! Couldn't keep it in. Better now. Or drop bombs to better achieve strikes. That sort of thing. Which are all icing on top of really smart cake. Seriously, downhill bowling, why has no one done this before? (Cue person in comments who points out downhill bowling game from 1984 that was only released in Paraguay.)
Here's a very quick clip of the game in action.