Editing Comments Is Back!
You asked for it
Remember a time when you could post a comment on RPS, suddenly detect every typo with near-superhuman speed and ACTUALLY CORRECT THOSE THINGS? No, us neither, but now you can do that exact thing!
Yup. We have an edit button. When you make a comment on the site, you now have a little window of time - five minutes - in which to edit that comment, correcting typos, deleting accidental TMI, refining jokes, realising that something came out entirely wrong and rephrasing it to sound less like Tobias Fünke on a bad day, spotting HTML tags you didn't close, deleting the whole thing... whatever, really.
You only get a brief amount of time in which to tinker because technical database reasons, so it's not a case of being able to come back the next day and pretend you spelled "daiquiri" right all along, but it'll be good for all those moments when you feel physically sick, spotting a "your" instead of a "you're" immediately after submitting you're opinion*.
Other than that, the regular commenting rules still apply so just continue to be excellent to each other (and us) both pre- and post-edit. Enjoy!
*We're hilarious.