EG Retro: Legend Of Kyrandia + MAPS!
This weekend saw my Eurogamer retrospective of one of the lesser-remembered adventure games of the early Nineties, the Legend Of Kyrandia: Book One. It contained moments like,
"It contained a single cursor. I'm not really sure what to do with this information. Does it undermine everything? Is everything that's being produced now a homage to Kyrandia?
Obviously not. And not only because Kyrandia also suffers from the same issues. To say the story owes something to the King's Quest series is a bit like saying Vodafone owes something to the Inland Revenue. In this fairytale land an evil wizard - brilliantly named Malcolm - is removing all the magic and, er, killing a few trees."
And rather delightfully, it had me making maps for the first time in years. Below!
Now I just want to play games that let you make maps. Look at the fun I had. Here's the first area of the game. Click on them for engreatening.
And here are those insane dungeons. If you can figure out the system my markings represent, then you've done better than I.
Everyone, go make maps!