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Earth, Wind and Footage: Elemental In-Game

When listening to the latest Three Moves Ahead about Demigod, I found myself over on Troy's blog nosing around. In it, I find something fun from GDC which we missed - namely, Stardock having released a little walkthrough video including the first public (if early) footage of Elemental: War of Magic. You'll remember Elemental from the memories laid down inside your noggin when we interviewed Brad Wardell for our Unknown Pleasures feature. Anyway - as the Elemental beta inches closer, time to see the fantasy/strategy/RPG malarkies Stardock are working on. Video beneath the cut.

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And while we're here, I realise we never lobbed up the teaser trailer from late last year. Let's include it in the post for comprehensivosity's sake.

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("Comprehensivosity"? - Ed)

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