Elite Dangerous: Arena Free For Keepsies This Weekend
Zap zap
Elite Dangerous: Arena [official site], the spin-off standalone of Elite's combat arena mode, is free to try this weekend. More than that, if you get it now it's yours forever.
Arena is Elite's PvP dogfighting mode Close Quarters Combat cut out as a separate game. Choose a ship, customise its loadout, then launch into space-battles to blow the space-heck out of space-folks in deathmatch, team deathmatch, and capture the flag modes on four maps. Zap zap. Arena ties into regular Elite too, putting its CQC players into the same matchmaking pool.
It's far from full-on Elite but you can now have a gander if you're curious. You can download Arena through Steam or from Frontier until 10am PST on Monday to play free. It's yours for keepsies and all - for ever and ever and ever.
Arena usually sells for only £4.99/6,75€/$7.49 so it's not a huge freebie but hey, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention free zap-zaps. This should get some more players into the matchmaking queue, at least.