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Elite Dangerous pilots discover an alien Thargoid base

And then break into it

The pilots of Elite Dangerous: Horizons [official site] have become space sleuths in the past year, attempting to uncover more information about the mysterious aliens known as the Thargoids. Their latest discovery is the most momentous yet: a sprawling base on a world hundreds of lightyears from Earth. You can watch the first humans explore its cavernous interior below.

Watch on YouTube

The base was first discovered by intrepid explorers yesterday. You can find it at these coordinates: System HIP 19026, Planet B 1 C, lat: -17 long: -152. Be wary of less-than-friendly players who have been taking advantage of the situation, though. This Reddit thread notes that some pilots have been taking out ships landing on the world, because space is cruel and people can be mean.

Inside the base, players uncovered alien machines and a galactic starmap, but what this structure means for the Elite universe is still unclear. Frontier are, of course, being coy about the whole thing, but earlier this month admitted that the aliens would be playing a major role in the 2.4 update. An adversarial role, of course.

I can understand why they might be a bit annoyed with humanity, mind. I mean, I think I’d be cranky too if I went on my holidays and came home to discover that hundreds of people have been driving space buggies through my livingroom. It’s just rude.

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