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Elite Dangerous welcoming Thargoids back on the 26th

No chance of being spacemates?

After yonks of littering space with their garbage and buzzing spaceships while repeating "Is this bugging you? I'm not touching you. Is this bugging you?", the alien Thargoids will start to arrive properly in Elite Dangerous [official site] this month. Frontier Developments have confirmed that the update bringing them back to the space sim series, version 2.4 aka The Return, will launch on Tuesday, September 26th. It'll kick off a storyline unfolding over the months to come. For now, check out a Thargoid fight in this new cinematic trailer:

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I feel a lot of sympathy for the big spacebugs, to be honest. They have such lovely ships which seem almost alive and physically wounded. The video's description YouTube suggests that the Thargoids strike first and humanity scrambles to develop weapons and technology in response but aw, poor spacewhalebugs.

Frontier's announcement last night explained:

"On launch day you'll be interacting with the most mysterious and deadly things you've encountered in the Elite Dangerous galaxy – the Thargoids.

"Elite Dangerous 2.4 The Return will then continue to roll out with interactive narrative-based content emerging over the coming months."

And if someone wished to befriend them? Not in a traitorous way, just, you know, be spacemates.

The spectacle of Thargoids is almost enough to get me into Elite. I suspect our resident spaceman Brendan will blast off to check them out; I'll have to bug him for opinions.

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