Faceted Flight Zips Through Magical Hovering Rings
That's anti-gravity rings for you
I felt a terrible familiar pang watching a tourist whack people with their giant backpack on the Paris Metro during my hols last week. They had the same problem as I do with first-person driving or flying games: I don't know how to move with all that unseen mass. Unable to drive or fly, I understand first-person views as controlling a me-sized body, so I slam my passenger side into walls and clip my wings on trees. I'm awful at arcade flight game Faceted Flight, but perhaps you might take better to zipping around and flying through rings? I dread to imagine how bad I'd be using its VR support.
Faceted Flight has that hard-edged untextured polygon look going on, which I still find delightful. It's a simple ye oldey style flight game about looping around small but scenic levels and passing through rings. Or, in my case, getting stuck flying upside-down then ramming repeatedly into a cottage. (Of course, knowing about my awareness issue, I chose not to wear a giant backpack on the Metro.)
It's still early days, but you can download a demo from itch.io or buy into early access for $10. Creator Matthew Scott plans to regularly release new modes, maps, and vehicles as he goes.