Faith Fighter 2: You Gotta Believe!
Have you been following the Faith Fighter controversy? If not, I'll explain the background below, but it's taken a fun turn. Molleindustria - who you may remember from Oiligarcy - found that their original Faith Fighter has outraged the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (and so indirectly 1.3 billion believers). Since Molleindustria was upset they missed their irony, they pulled the original from their site and made the tolerance-is-awesome Faith Fighter 2. And, really, it's about as disingenuous as it gets. I feel the need to applaud.
You have to assume they're adding in - ahem - bad faith, because while they've removed the game from their site as a symbolic gesture it's still available on their actual account at Newsgrounds and the source code for the original is still on their site for anyone who wants to get it. But most importantly, Faith Fighter 2 rips the piss out the whole concept of belief by asking you to try and support all the gods, and some aliens and the spaghetti monster. And if you don't - oh, something bad will happen, probably. In other words, they're apologising while flicking the Vs, as good agent provocateurs should.
(Not that I think they're acting totally insincerely with their apology. A satirist hitting a target they weren't aiming at does tend to annoy - which is why I think they've refocused their attack with Faith Fighter 2.)
The scandal? Well, the Metro ran a GAMES HATRED story with some renta-quote types in it. The OIC noticed it and gave a statement asking it to be withdrawn from ISPs. And then the news picked up on it. And lo! Scandal.
Let's hand over to our PaRappa The Rapper to end on a song.
You really do.