Faked Moon Landing: Moonbase Alpha Soon
Picked up from Craig Pearson, but this excites my ever-over-excitable space-geek. You know that NASA are actually working on Astronaut: Moon, Mars And Beyond? A team-based hard-science space-MMO? Well, that's not here yet - but Moonbase Alpha is. It'll be hitting on Steam on July 6th, and seems to be one-small-step towards that larger vision. The site's a place-holder at the moment, so literally all the information we have is watching the video and wondering...
I have no idea how good this will be, but it's as different as it can get. I'm really looking forward to trying it. I suspect it'll be co-op. Which means that I hope we'll be allowed to accidentally-on-purpose puncture our space-chum's suits and send all their innards jettisoning out. Though the "E" rating makes me suspect it may not actually play to my sociopathic fantasies.