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Wasteland Chic: The Clothing Of Fallout 4

Let's play post-apocalyptic dress-up.

Above: The Murderettes

I briefly mention how much I dug Fallout 4's colourful, playful clothing options in my review, but given that my hard drive is full of screenshots of that stuff, it seems a waste not to give it its own post. The costumes are, as far as I'm concerned, Fallout 4 [official site] at its absolute best. Take a look below.

The STALKER tribute act:

The Betty Draper Gone Rogue:

The Swedish Indie-Pop Band:

The Furiosa Ain't Got Nothin' On Me:

The Hipster Space Hulk:

The There's a Girl Works Down the Nuka Cola Shop Swears She's Elvis:

The Boss:

The Blue Brotherhood:

The Guerilla Fabulous:

The Brighton:

The Oh My God JC A Bomb:

The So What Does That Actually Defend Against Anyway:

The Wanna Make Somethin' Of It:

The Bateman:

The Gareth Ramsay

The Post-World Series:

The Admiral's Day Off:

I really like the dresses, I must say.

Admittedly I think I've now plumbed all the best costume options from the game, but not bad going for 50 hours in.

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