Fishing For Chips: Syndicate's Tech Wars
Last time out, Syndicate was showing off its guns and I don't remember seeing a single flamethrower, which made me grumble in a manner befitting a madman denied the ability to burn the flesh off his enemies. The latest piece of video advertainment is all about the power of technology, which allows agents to persuade their opponents to commit suicide and attack their allies, among other ethically questionable activities. It's certainly far more interesting than the guns. The removal of chips from peoples' skulls to gain experience is described as a "critical mission objective", which is something the same mad part of me that wants a flamethrower approves of heartily. Watch between the tiny gaps in your cybernetically augmented HUD below.
There's a lot crammed into those two minutes, including some footage that's familiar from other videos and has been repurposed to illustrate different points. My thought at the moment is that having all these powers is fine and dandy, but whether planting a virus, a suicidal impulse or a bullet in the brain, it all seems to come down to popping peoples' heads as quickly as possible. Nothing directly wrong with that but let's have some nuance in our head-popping, if you please.