Take It To The Bridge: Flagship Is A First-Person Space RTS
Concentrate all fire this way
As more space games get announced, we're heading towards a point at which every potential role and fantasy from Star Wars is playable as a game, whether under the official brand or not. Star Citizen and Elite: Dangerous let you be Han Solo. EVE: Valkyrie lets you be Luke Skywalker. Now Flagship might let you be Admiral Ackbar. It's a first-person space RTS in which you stand on the bridge of a space ship, use a tablescreen to command your fleet, and then watch the resulting battle play out through your space windows.
There's a trailer below and it'll make your eyes open wide. And then move around to the side of your head like some sort of fishman.
It's a trap! No, not really. Here's the trailer:
The game is being built by UK-based Urban Logic Games to be functional both with the Oculus Rift and with regular monitors. What's not clear from the trailer is whether the first-person perspective adds anything more than novelty to a game which is still, ultimately, about drag-selecting units and right-click attacking your enemies.
Which isn't to say novelty wouldn't be enough to make this a jolly. The website's FAQ suggests you'll be able to climb aboard smaller vessels to pilot them yourself, and order your troops to form boarding parties and enter enemy vessels. There's also enough screenshots to suggest that the game already exists as more than a pie-in-the-exosphere dream.