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Forever People: Serious Sam Forever MP

After four (count 'em) years, Serious Sam Forever releases something. It's planning to basically be a total conversion to run the old games in the Croteam's Serious Engine 2 and... wait, I don't want to think about it too hard. Relevantly, they've released a MP demo with four maps and game modes. Which doesn't sound very interesting, until you realise it's got a fancy bot system that allows you to have more players than usual in a level. How many?

100 bots!

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200 bots!

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400 bots!


Okay, no-one's done this yet, but apparently they could with the right hardware. As in, ludicrously powerful stuff, I suspect.

Anyway, while we're talking Serious Sam Forever, we may as well link to the actual teaser trailer for the full thing...

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...And then stop. Yay!

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