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Free Puzzling: Puzzle Moppet Awareness Day

I'm sure you don't need me to tell you that it's Puzzle Moppet Awareness Day. The puzzle game by Garnet Games is adopting a trick widely used in the iOS world (gratuitous plug for Free App Hero, which offers a daily round up all the best free games for iThings) of going free for a day. While the PC has recently been enjoying Steam sales, pay-what-you-want schemes, and so on, few have adopted the model that's working so effectively on Apple's handhelds of just being free for a single day so word gets out. That's what's happening here.

Of course it's likely to not work as well here, since a single PC game floating out on the internet isn't going to have the advantage of iTunes' charts, ratings, etc. So it'll be interesting to see if it does Garnet any favours.

The game has a peculiarly morbid atmosphere for a traditional-ish block-pushing puzzle game. Which certainly makes it more interesting than most block-pushing puzzle games. You can get a feel for that vibe in the trailer below.

Watch on YouTube

Or an even better feel if you just download the whole game for free.

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