Free Realms: Three Million In Seven Weeks
The chaps at SOE must be rather pleased with themselves. Their free-to-play-except-with-micropay-stuff MMO Free Realms has had three million registrations in just seven weeks. Not bad going, even by free-to-play standards. “We are pleased to be able to provide such a vast, in-depth and, most importantly, fun world to an average of 500,000 new gamers per week,” said John Smedley, president of Sony Online Entertainment. I bet you are, John. Those are the big numbers.
The game seems to have attracted folks with neat cartoon presentation and its kid-friendly demeanor, but it'll be interesting to see how many of those millions stick around over time. I'm assuming some of you guys are included in that colossal figure? Anyone care to share their impressions? Any thoughts on long term appeal?