Freeware Garden: Ever Yours, Vincent
Based on the life of impressionist painter (and not dentist though that'd be a really interesting thing to see) Vincent Van Gogh, Ever Yours, Vincent explores the great artist's life and work via the hallowed medium of point-and-click adventure gaming.
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This is not your average adventure game though, having been created by artist Federica Orlati for her Master thesis. It's a completely handcrafted game that's both beautiful and successful in referencing Van Ghogh's work using modeling clay, ink sketches, doll clothes and painted backgrounds.
It's also got an analog quality to it, where the stop-motion animated Vincent Van Gogh feels like a self-portrait that has somehow come to life. Even more impressively, the paintings you'll enter do not only look the part, but can be manipulated to show off some amazing effects and, maybe, provide an idea of the artist's thoughts about them. And an idea of what the artist's perspective on his own work might be.
Ever Yours, Vincent isn't a game only about art. It's about life and psychosis and art. It's based on the letters Van Gogh sent his brother Theo after being released from the asylum; letters that let us take a peek inside Van Gogh's mind, thoughts and feelings.