Freeware Garden: Whiteout
It's cold outside
The Antarctic. Everyone loves the Antarctic and its built-in atmospheric vistas, amazing weather effects and sense of unexplored mystery. It's no accident it was the setting of choice for The Mountains of Madness, The Thing and now for the fresh and freeware Whiteout.
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In Whiteout though and unlike those non-interactive classics, the horrors are solely of the environmental sort.
As you finally decide to leave the relative safety of your camp in search of your missing companion, you'll have to fight off blizzards, hypothermia and a powerful feeling of disorientation; you'll also realize that actually leaving the one place you can heat yourself up for too long can be a pretty suicidal idea. Not that deciding to explore the frozen plateaus of Antarctica was wise, but at least you weren't alone back then.
Now you are, and what you should be doing is picking up all those handy red flags lying around your tent and heading off to random directions of your choice. Planting a flag every 100 or so meters (or 329 of your non-metric feet) will be mandatory, as those striking red flags are your only hope of not getting hopelessly lost and confused. The beautiful, stark and completely white scenery is lacks any major landmarks.
Happily it doesn't lack in wonderful secrets to uncover or hints as to your partners whereabouts, and you'll have a wonderfully adventurous time slowly exploring it. And occasionally freezing to death.
[Whiteout was created for Ludum Dare 30. It's available for browsers, Windows, Mac and Linux.]