Frictional Tease Their Next Project
Frictional Games, they behind the Penumbra series, are beginning to tease their new game. As yet untitled, so far we know it's a horror game, and using completely new tech.
That last detail is a big deal. Frictional first got noticed when a student project to create a graphics engine ended up being a damn site better than many professional engines out there. Superb lighting and excellent implementation of physics made for a super-fun time. However, just of late it's beginning to look a bit dated. So far there's no in-game evidence of what the new tech will be capable of, but there's good reason to assume they'll aim for something impressive. More details about the teaser website and game below.
The new site contains some sketchy details about the new game, before turning into a puzzle. About the game they say,
"Set in the late 18th century the player will explore the eerie environments of an old castle. It's a journey through horrors and disturbing sights, built up during centuries of decay."
Things become more confusing when they ask what hides between Shadow and Light.
"Etesh lheo gidgnig tircsret vhea a aupopnoitl atth ecniesar iaryldp. Eterh smtu eb mseo ayw ot atkcr itsh oevedtnempl nda kmea het tefninoitas mceo ot na nde.
T -> B
C -> C
Q -> HSilently evil emerged darkness.
3, 9, 7, 4, 8, 9, 5, 7, 11, 6, 6, 13, 7,
8, 6, 9, 6, 11, 8, 13,
Answers below please.