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Dystopian Visions: Frying Bacon

Grim visions of a watery dystopia

Be quite clear: Frying Bacon is a future of video games. Not the future, no, as video games will become so many different wonderful things, but one path that will become grimly necessary. As you huddle together under your geodesic domes, you will refuse to see the crashing waves wearing the glass thin. You will want to remember happier days. As you crunch your protein pill, you will demand comforting. You will turn to virtual reality to pretend you're frying bacon in a pan.

Here, with a few added sound effects, I've created a video offering a vision of your horrible future.

Or maybe Frying Bacon is simply about simulating pork. It's free, so you can judge for yourself.

[The relentless, dooming waves are based on a recording by Luftrum, who has all the copyright and that jazz because I just screwed with it under the Creative Commons Attribution License. The Archers is, of course, made by Ian BBC; I lay no claims to it or the Grundy Cider Shed.]

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