Games We'll Never Know have put together a list of 10 Highly Anticipated Video Games You'll Never Get To Play. And it contains just enough PC games for a link from us. Bemoaning the lost of games like StarCraft Ghost, Star Trek Online, Darkfall, and inevitably Duke Nukem Forever.
Regarding Diablo 3 they mention:
The Diablo series is what happens when you let red-blooded, meat-eating Americans make a role-playing game. Gone are the androgynous heroes, talking raccoons and quests that revolve around retrieving used panties you find in Japanese RPGs, replaced instead with demon killing. Lots and lots demon killing.
There are a couple of issues. We're fairly certain Max Payne 3 is in development, and as they mention themselves, others are simply suffering endless delays, rather than stated cancellation. But hey, we're still not playing them. Go take a read.