Smell The Glove: The Magicka Devs' Gauntlet Revamp
Four-player magical co-op
"Cor, Gauntlet yeh, remember playing it in the chippie, yeah?" I don't, no, and I'll thank you to stop dripping fag ash on my foot you awful drunken lout. However, my interest in a new game with co-op by the Magicka wizards at Arrowhead Game Studios is enough to overcome my general disdain for cynical attempts by publishers to cash in on old names they've remembered they own the rights to.
A new trailer gives a look at several gameplay minutes of Arrowhead's reboot-o-revamp-a-namesake of the arcade magical murderfest, simply Gauntlet, and a new release date.
Technically the September 23 date this trailer states is a delay of a few weeks, but we didn't post about the release date in the first place because who really notes release dates months in advance anyway? "The additional time was needed to fine-tune details in order to bring gamers an even more robust multiplayer experience", publishers Warner Bros. say..
I'm trying not to mention pre-order bonuses and all that jazz in news posts because pre-ordering is a mug's game, but sometimes it's so video games. Pre-ordering Gauntlet will get you a fancy item, described by WB as "a special Wizard's Robe made from dead imps, who are children of the greater demon, Kerthull." Sometimes I wonder. But look, look, here's that gameplay trailer I promised: