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Gnarly Crenelations, Dude.

In the tradition of publishers following on from stuff RPS does, following the Stronghold making of we published a few weeks back, Gamecock have announced they'll be publishing an improved version of the Stronghold Crusader in May, going by the unbelievable name Stronghold Crusader: EXTREME. This will allow you to lob around over 10,000 (Count 'em!) units, adds a tactical bar for firing "Super Moves" (Which I'm not entirely sure is historically accurate, at least if you discount tales of Richard the Lionheart's Dragon Punch) and an Extreme Trail mode, linking hyperdifficult expert-only challenge missions.

While I suspect we'll be mocking the "EXTREME" subtitle for a while yet, the screenshot I've lobbed beneath the cut, (along with a more sober making-of video) does kind of live up to it as much as any game about fortification construction could.


It's the sort of grab you stare at and presume you're really drunk, because the only possible explanation of seeing that many soldiers running about is you're boozed out of your tiny little mind.

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Thanks, Gametrailers. Your presence is soothing after screenshots of millions of men.

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