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Go Robocrazy: Attack Of The 50ft Robot!

The_B flagged up this IGF entry immediately, and you can see why. Attack of the 50ft Robot! from Digipen is the sort of thing which just begs for posting. It's a retro-50s B-movie Rampage-esque homage with lots of physics malarkies. Its most obviously striking element is the Sky Captain And The World Of Tomorrow-esque black-and-white footage, shot through with the vivid-laser reds. The secondary striking element is the ability to throw your own head as a striking element. A little twitchy - it crashed a couple of times when I played it - but it's splendidly silly stuff. You can download from here (EDIT: NEW LINK WITH NEW BUILD) and see footage below...

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I also like its use of music, but I won't spoil that for you.

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