Good God? Find Out In Simpians
There are science peeps out there attempting to discover if our universe is just a simulation. We could be part of a more advanced civilisation's free-to-play Sims knock-off and we might not even know it. Don't guffaw at the notion. When you consider how many games we have that attempt to simulate things, the frightening potential becomes all too real. Look at Simpians, an upcoming game of mind-boggling scope: "a persistent browser-based hunter-gatherer multigenerational evolutionary simulation fantasy strategy game with the objective to survive, adapt, discover, and evolve." You can look at the world's first MMOPBBHGMESFSG* below.
How is all that a game? You're the tribe's match-maker, meddling with their genetic destiny like the god of dating, and hoping that your choices improves their strength, agility, and intelligence. You'll decide their roles, and help them survive in the procedurally generated world. It's multigenerational, so you'll see how your decisions play out over time. Your choices will affect the moving speed, gathering rate, even field of vision of the subjects. Neat.
It'll be free and paid-for, with the cost being directly related to your cloud computing usage. That probably means it'll be cheaper if you lead your people off a cliff.
Via this Reddit post. Or was it? Be vigilant, fellow drones.
*John thought that up, but I am riding the glory for all its worth.