Gotham City Impostors Arrives In January
Gotham City Impostors, the other Batman game, has a release date. It's the 10th January 2012, which sounds like it's a hundred years in the future, but is in fact in exactly two months.
This is the sort-of-like-TF2-a-bit online shooter from Monolithic, who suddenly remembered they're at their best when having fun, rather than being all gloomy and serious. Will we be having fun with this? We've no idea yet, because we haven't played it. But there will be opportunities to do so, probably from December when the beta is "expected" to go live. To celebrate there's a new sreenshot, which is, er, poorly taken. You can see the full size version by clicking on the pic above, and leave your screenshot-taking guides for not leaving the centre of the image mostly empty below.