Grand Theft Auto Online gives away money for nothing
But not chicks for free
As much as I'd like to see some manner of solo expansion for Grand Theft Auto V, its multiplayer component is a massive, sprawling thing with easily as much to do as the base game, it not more. It's just a pity that to get access to some of the more exciting events (such as gun-running), you need to grind for money for that initial investment. Thankfully that's a little easier this week, as Rockstar are giving away fat sacks of in-game cash this week, and discounting many mission-generating properties.
Rockstar are calling this particular windfall and flood of discounts Business Week. Anyone who logs in at all to the game this week will earn themselves $250k in in-game cash, plus an additional $150k for each day you log in during the week. Sadly the payout isn't instantaneous, but players should find their bank accounts swelling between May 15th and the 21st.
The Overflod Tyrant
Available today from Legendary Motorsport
Part of Business Week in GTA Online:— Rockstar Games (@RockstarGames) May 8, 2018
For those already relatively flush with cash and wanting to make more, you can get offices (for doing Business Crimes) at half price at the moment. Underground bunkers and aircraft hangars (for doing Army and Air Crimes respectively) are 40% reduced. These are probably what you want to shoot for if you want access to the really fun new missions, especially the bunker and hangar-related jobs. Discounts are also available on biker gang HQs, but their jobs aren't quite as fleshed out or exciting.
As with all things GTA Online, bringing friends helps too, as doing escort/freight type missions solo is just asking for every lunatic on the map to make a bee-line for you. A little helicopter gunship support is highly appreciated at times like that. This update for the game also introduces two ridiculously flash (and probably quite overpriced) sports cars to the lineup, although quite why you'd want any of those when the transforming super-spy car from the Doomsday heist expansion is available is beyond me.