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Buy 'em up: Green Man Gaming summer sale launches

Capitalism, ho!

As summer rolls on, shorts get shorter, tops get scarcer, corner shop Curly Wurlys get goopier, and the video game sales, oh the video game sales keep on coming. Green Man Gaming sat in the shade sucking on a Calippo as other digital stores held their summer sales but today they stood up and strode into the scorching sun with a determination that says "I have a lot of video games, and I intend to sell them cheaply."

If you're one of those twitchy bargain-hunters who wishes Steam's big sales still had flash sales, dash sales, bash sales, and all the rest, you may be satisfied here. Along with having loads of games just plain discounted, Green Man Gaming's summer sale boasts a new selection of fleeting 'flash deals'.

To complicate things further, you can get cheaper 'VIP prices' if you sign in and those those flash deals are 20% cheaper using the voucher code SUMMER2017.

This is smaller than the main digistores' summer sales and doesn't have those classic Steam sale minigames and bits and pieces and strings and things and loo rolls and glue but does still have a fair few games going cheap. Everything I've seen comes as a Steam key.

GMG say the sale is "building up to bigger games and sweeter deals every day until 4 August 2017" so expect fancier things to come. Cheap things on the way include NuDoom, Fallout 4, XCOM 2, and Mad Max.

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