Groundhog Day's VR sequel, Like Father Like Son, is out today
Gobbler's Knob
Groundhog Day has a VR sequel. Let that sink in for a second. The Bill Murray comedy vehicle has been handed over to Tequila Works, and they've handed the curse of living the same day over and over to Phil Connors Jr - the junior to Murray's Phil Connors. He's back in Punxsutawney Pennsylvania, living his old man's nightmare, and just like pa, he's got to learn an important lesson about being a good dude by suffering horrifically. Groundhog Day: Like Father Like Son launched today. Hopefully, it's the only today.
Groundhog Day has a VR sequel. It's a branching narrative time-loop game. Those are all the rage these days, I hear. A bit like Outer Wilds or Cavalier Games' The Sexy Brutale, published by Tequila Works themselves. Mat Jones fittingly called Sexy Brutale "Groundhog Day, the game". Here you've got one day to make the most of, following leads and solving puzzles, so that eventually you can make that one perfect run. Just like the movie, innit.
Groundhog Day has a VR sequel. You can play the guitar in it, and visit somewhere called Gobbler's Knob. You couldn't pay me to go to a Gobbler's Knob, that sounds gross. You can punch and kick and throw an alarm clock, and vlog on your iPad, and make toast and eggs. Groundhog Day: Like Father Like Son might be the only game trailer I've seen with that warm-hearted Christmas special trailer narration, too. It's all very cosy.
Groundhog Day has a VR sequel. You'll need an HTC Vive or Oculus Rift for this decades-late sequel. It's out on Steam, Oculus and Viveport right now for £24/€25/$30.
Did I say that already?