GTA V In Cars, Guns, Strippers & Posturing Shocker
There will be a new GTA game soon. Maybe it'll be on PC. It has three characters, all of which are violent, sweary men. It has some improvements to the graphics. It's spent a lot on music and voice-acting. It has the same sort of gags as the last dozen GTA games/expansions, but with different words. It really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really wants to be a movie.
Here are three new trailers, cunningly combined into one, and focusing exclusively on the story rather than on what you get to do. With crushing, miserable inevitability, there is a strip club scene, because there is always a strip club scene. IGN or someone will have a shot-by-shot analysis any second now, but you can watch the plain old videos below if you really want to.
Nice to hear Radio Gaga though.
That's out in September. Probably not on PC, though. They'll do that a few months later.
I'll play it, of course. I'll probably enjoy it too, on the basis of a) a certain basic, carefree brutality and b) exploring a no-doubt highly-detailed cityscape, to the accompaniment of a super-cool soundtrack. It's just that a drip-feed of cod-cinema adverts, steeped in unrefined testosterone and which tell me 1% of jackshit about what the game's actually like are not currently inspiring me to want to do so.