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Hammerfall Becomes Hammerfight: HAMMERFIGHT!

Remember Hammerfall? Around this time in 2007 it was gaining attention, picked as a finalist for the IGF Awards, and being generally rather a lot of fun. A physics-based 2D weapon-swinging game, it's about aerial acrobatic combat. Or swinging your mouse around in circles. Two years have gone by, and the game is back on the horizon, now called The History Of Hammerfight. Fun-Motion spotted the new title, and indeed the accompanying demo.

The demo, and indeed the new website, are very much in Russian. It doesn't make it impossible to play at all, but certainly mystifying to know what's going on - there appears to be a lot of talking between the action. However, non-Russian speaks click past all that and you get to enjoy some of the hammer-swinging antics.

There's a trailer to accompany this on the game's site, but sadly it appears to almost not work at all. Fortunately the constantly splendid Matthew at Fun-Motion has not only mirrored the demo, but also the trailer, for your eye-based entertainment.

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