HANDBALL! Oh Actually Sorry, That's Allowed
Ask anyone in the street which sport is sorely underrepresented in PC gaming, and they reply, "Handball". And then you'll both stare at each other for a beat, and then burst out giggling. Because, see, "hand" and "ball" are both words used for common human anatomical parts, and when you put a "hand" near a "ball", it can have a sexual connotation, and thus when the two words are closely situated there's a degree of innuendo* that is inherently amusing. Handball. Snnnnnnnnorrrrrrrt.
Fortunately, that's come to an end. Both the previous paragraph, and the lack of handball (snigger) games on PC. Because we have IHF Handball Challenge 12.
Despite its jaunty "12" rather than "2012", or even "'12", this is the first of (what I assume they hope will be) a new series of games developed by Neutron Games. They're a small team who have been going for four years, dedicated to realising hand-to-ball as a game. Being German, they've picked up the official license holding position for the German handball league, as well as the International Handball Federation (hence this game), and a Spanish equivalent too.
The game's been out for a few weeks now, with a big update coming soon. Handball (snrkk), I believe, is a bit like "hot potato", except with goals. Erm, here's a trailer:
Oh my goodness, those in-game menus look familiar...
You can buy it if you want. It costs a rather large €40. I was really only posting this so I could laugh at "handball".