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Harry Potter And The Free Demonstration Program

We're not exactly the biggest fans of Harry Potter here at RPS, because we're grown-ups so prefer to spend our time on grown up pass-times like videogames, painting Skaven and marching around chanting that we are playing army, asking people to join us until a girl tries to join us, at which point we inform them loudly that no girls are allowed. But EA have released a demo of their latest videogame incarnation of the bespectacled mage. It's about 600Mb or so, and you can get it here. Scanning its press release, I find the following line: "Players may even get sidetracked by Ron's romantic entanglements as they journey towards a dramatic climax and discover the identity of the Half-Blood Prince" which makes me think that Ron is going to blow his load messily before discovering who the half-blood prince is. Lucky old Ron, I say. Anyway - trailer beneath the cut. Woo!

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Man, I can't get the thought of Ron's ejaculate out of my mind now.

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