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Have A Randy Old Time At Rezzed

Excellent news, troops. Reinforcing the ranks of impending PC games show Rezzed - orchestrated of course by Eurogamer and this here website - is lord of the Borders Randy Pitchford. The Gearbox head and former magician whose surname isn't but should be Pitchfork, veteran of Borderlands, Brothers in Arms, Half-Life: Opposing Force and Ukeday Ukemnay Oreverfay, will take to the stage in Brighton on Friday 6th July at 2pm for a live demo of Borderlands 2, followed by a bout of answering your questions. Randy's company Gearbox will also be presenting Aliens: Colonial Marines at the show, incidentally, so I guess you could also shout "yeah man, but it's a dry heat!" at him and he won't be too confused.

More details on Rezzed, which runs over 6 and 7th July in Brighton UK (I live there! It's great!) are here, as are ticket-booking stuffs. They're priced £12 for one day or £20 for both. Also due to appear at the show are the likes of Far Cry 3, the Creative Assembly, Carmageddon Reincarnation, Prison Architect, Splash Damage and, ooh, more.

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