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Have A Stare At Star Command

I'm charging up my caveat cannon: pshwwwwwwwwwwwwew. Shield disrupted. Right, so this is Star Command, a Kickstarted cross between FTL and The Sims. I've been waiting for an extended look at it for a whole space year, and last night one appeared on my tactical screen. A warning: while it has been announced for both mobile and immobile devices, the video I'm embedding below is of the mobile version. But it shows the first extensive look at how the game will work, and the basics of both will be the same. Let's see what life aboard the Sparklemagic under captain Twinkle Magoo will be like.

You'll see it's a slower, busier and more involved version of FTL. You have more control over your crew's skills, and you'll decide what layout your ship will have. Not every battle is a fight to keep the ship limping along, although the developers do promise that all your crew will "eventually suffer through a fiery, painful, horrible death". Those deaths will come in the day-to-day running of the ship, which could be a sneak attack by a viscous alien race, or you might be protecting a nice alien race against a bad one.

Watch on YouTube

It'll be out next year on the PC.

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