Have You Played... AdVenture Capitalist?
Have You Played? is an endless stream of game retrospectives. One a day, every day of the year, perhaps for all time.
Don't. Not if you value your time, your intelligence and your sense of self-worth. I did not, and it ruined me for months.
AdVenture Capitalist is an incremental game - one where you try to make sums of pretend money keep on growing higher by pressing buttons as and when they light it. There are no shortage of the buggers these days, and that is precisely because Game ScientistsTM have now figured out exactly how to tap into whichever wretched part of the human brain responds to even the slightest and most ephermal sense of reward. Press button, number gets bigger. Ooh, do it again!
Months pass.
Fascinating games go unplayed.
Books go unread.
Loved ones are neglected.
Nothing, other than the passing of time, is achieved.
Sense of shame becomes absolute.
Please, don't be like me.
I am not saying that AdVenture Capitalist, and others like it, is a bad game, don't get me wrong. There is craft and intelligence there; no dev could just knock out something with that complexity of escalation and pacing.
What I am saying is that it is an evil game and should be removed from the face of the planet, for the sake of humanity.