Have you played... Midnight Ultra?
Grindhouse FPS horror
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I've handed over the keys to Castle Unknown Pleasures to another writer now, but during my time panning for gold among the murky waters of Steam's dozens-a-day new releases, one of the games that most lodged in my memory was Midnight Ultra, a neon grindhouse nightmare of an FPS.
I should say that if you're looking for a solid shooter first and foremost, you should probably walkaway. Midnight Ultra's gunfeel is pretty iffy, and its scope somewhat limited. But if you want a feverish descent into a colour-soaked, semi-abstract hellscape - i.e. the feel of reality struggling to hold itself together, with a side order of Hotline Miami-style exaggerated 80s grime'n'cool - and that precious sense that your monitor is showing you something you don't usually see, absolutely check it out.
It's a striking and giddying assault on the senses, and it's refreshingly brief about it too. Plot-wise, it's about a demon-hunter exploring an America that is equal parts Western, Death Wish and Twin Peaks' seedy underbelly.
Free DLC, and hopefully a bunch of nips and tucks, is due in February, which might just be a very good time to soak yourself in its purple blood.