He Shoots Dead People, All The Time: Corril Slayer
Serial demaker, Eric Ruth, has a new game out. And it's not an IP-threatening pixellation of someone else's game this time. It's Corril Slayer, a Castlevania/Mega Man-style side-scrolling shooter for only $3. There's a trailer below, which reveals some truly awesome dialogue.
Ruth is the man who brought us the TF2 and L4D demakes, and for that we like him, and we like his face. Corril Slayer tells the tale of Sam Asherton, who can seeeee ghooooooosts, and has some guns. He shifts between the real and ghost worlds, and he shoots "the internet's scariest monsters".
See, this is how all in-game chat should go:
Janice: Percy, you need to stop being so frightened by the unknown.
Percy: But the unknown is the scariest thing there is!
Janice: Not if we sing about it.
Percy: Hey, that's a good idea, Janice! As long as I don't have to go inside that cave.
... You must go inside.
I'm sold.