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Here Comes The Summer: Venture Arctic Free

At least, if you act quickly. As Pags mentioned in a comment thread, the management game which won gametunnel's Sim of the year in 2007 is available for free until the new year. Simply download Venture Arctic, select the Buy Now option and enter the code they mention in the blog. It's basically an environment management game, based around trying to create a coherent ecostructure - which was one bit of Spore I actually really liked, though this is far, far more developed than what Maxis did. You'll find a video trailer beneath the cut, along with one of the developers talking on a news show. Personally, I'd download it and unlock it just on principle. But do it swiftly! Thaw-cometh.
The teaser...

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On the visual-watching-machine...

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(Actually, I suspect that this will relock come January 1st, but it's still a lot of free play before then)

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