Here's Free Stuff For LOTRO EU Newbies
Codemasters have provided us with a fancy newbie code for Lord Of The Rings Online (EUROPE EDITION!) One code can be claimed per person, and can be used when creating a new account. It gives you free stuff! This is the free stuff: War Cloak of Isildur (a cloak) – Provides 34 Armour & +120 non-combat morale regeneration, The Guiding Star (a pocket Item) - Increases +1% Critical Hit Mod, Ring of Agility (Jewellery) Provides +3 Agility to the player’s character, Waybread of Imladris (Food) Restores power, heals damage, and increases Morale & Power regeneration. (Stack of 10), Bree-horse (Mount) – Provides faster travel around Middle-earth, can be used at lower player levels.
A free mount sounds good to me. (Arf.) Go! Sign up!