Hexcells Fan-Made Editor Will Feed Your Hexual Appetite
Now truly infinite
Hexcells, the best new puzzle in forever, may now be truly infinite. The third and final game in the puzzling series, Hexcells Infinite, was released with a puzzle generator, that allows the creation of 10,000,000 challenges. Which, while certainly more than anyone could complete in a lifetime, falls short of the title's claim. SHOCKING. However, a canny group of modders have since built a level editor for the game, and gained creator Matthew Brown's blessing. In fact, the game already allows you to load in levels built with it.
The editor is really neat, very smartly made, intuitively understanding the nature of the puzzles rather than relying on your doing everything from scratch. It'll even check the levels to ensure they can be solved.
There's a guide to the editor, getting hold of it, building puzzles, and publishing them, right here:
People are beginning to share their own created puzzles via a subReddit.
And for those who want to go all the way down the hexagonal rabbit hole, take a look at this:
Big thanks to Euan for letting us know.