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Hey, Space Rangers HD Is Out Soon

Space Rangers 3, Space Celtic 2.

"No release date yet, but I’d expect it soon." - Alec Meer, April 18th, 2012. And here we are, a year-and-a-half later, finally finding out when Space Rangers HD: A War Apart will be released. To be fair, the remastering of the quietly ace Space Rangers has apparently had a Russian language release in the interim, but I am very Craigcentric: if you release a game in a place I don't live and in a language I can't read, then chances are I am not going to play it. Call me arrogant, but that's just how it is. I've already burned through the original and its sequel, but if you're on the mood for a strange, turn-based top-down space adventure, then it might be for you.

It really is an oddity. A game with a living galaxy that's full of warring factions, missions, and trade routes. Like any good space game, you can choose to be part of the world, weaving an empire within the turbulent AI sandbox, or you can focus on the story and the fight against the Dominators. It has turn-based space battles, planetside RTS sections, and text adventures hanging off the main space adventures. It is ridiculous.

It's out on October 17th on Steam.

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