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Hit The Mechs: Fields Of War

Currently in beta, Fields of War is "a massive multiplayer third-person-shooter focused on large scale battles, territory control, skill and most importantly team play." When I read that description, I expected the video to contain tiny computer men running around and shooting at one another but the synopsis conceals the game's trump card. The tiny computer men are concealed within mechs, with up to a hundred player-controlled war machines on each side. AI bots are also available to fill in any gaps. The closed beta has now finished but you can play in the current version by purchasing the game for $15. Now, let's look at some combat and customisation.

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Fields of War is the first game from Thermal Erosion, a small Israeli studio. There certainly do seem to be a lot of mechs shooting one another in the video, but while the landscapes are quite attractive, I wish the scale of the machines was more impressive, or more obvious. I like my robots to be giant and these may be nothing more than large.

Still, I'd rather have large robots than no robots. Here are some robots at a face painting stall.

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