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Hopped Up On Goofballs

I haven't been sleeping well lately. Spheres of Chaos has just ensured that isn't going to change any time soon. It's an Asteroids homage that's actually, properly psychedelic. And I don't mean Winamp visualisations or Tempest-esque faux-psychedelic - I mean poking holes in your conciousness, last episode of The Prisoner psychedelic. It's made of explosions of colour that do their best to obfuscate what's going on, soundtracked by the freakish melodies of distorted bell-tolling. It's left me startled and giddy, but thoroughly impressed. Geometry Wars seems laughably pedestrian by comparison.

This indie brain-melter's been around for a while, and formerly carried a pricetag, but creator Iain "If nobody complains about being unable to see the game then I must be doing it wrong" McLeod has now made it freeware, as a sampler for the impending 3D, high res sequel. Going on the screens I'm not convinced 3D entirely suits it, but that may just be because if I look at any more colours right now, I'm going to pass out.

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