New! Tomorrow Corporation's Human Resource Machine
I am not a number!
If the sinister corporate headline weren't clue enough, the googly-eyed people should give it away: Tomorrow Corporation have a new game coming. Them lot behind Little Inferno (as well as having the picture-drawing half of World of Goo team 2D Boy) today revealed their latest puzzler, Human Resource Machine [official site]. It's all about programming.
Arriving this summer, Human Resources Machine will give you the giddy thrill of working in an office which works like programming a computer using boxes and trays. If you don't know how to code, chillax: they say that's not a problem. Come have a look at the trailer.
As I'm sure you gathered by now, the game's about creating automated tasks to follow orders using a basic programming language represented with cards. Tomorrow Corporation explain:
"In each level, your boss gives you a task, like "Take everything from the INBOX, and put it in the OUTBOX!" Automate it by programming your little office worker with simple drag n' drop commands. You start the game with just 2 commands, and gradually earn more as you're promoted. The entire language contains only 11 total commands - but they're enough to simulate almost any computer algorithm in the world!"
I will take their word on that. Human Resource Machine will cost $9.99 (£6.50-ish).