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I Ain't Afraid Of No Cat

As you've probably seen on various news sites that really should know better, tomorrow the streets of London will endure some feline-mounted advertising. Specially-trained black cats will stalk the pavements bearing FEAR 2-emblazoned jackets. The link? Well, tomorrow is Friday the 13th, the unluckiest day of the year. And black cats are also bad luck. And being superstitious is sort of like being afraid, and thus directly relevant to FEAR 2! Their plan is genius in its simplicity.

I'm really not impressed by this most tenuous of logic, so tomorrow I will lurk doggedly by my window watching out for one of these little frackers. When I see one, I'll spring my scathing counter-attack...

(click to embiggen)

Yeah, eat that, bitches. WHO'S LAUGHING NOW?

Unfortunately, my own black cat is not specially trained by any measure:

Still, dragging a screaming, squirming beast about Camden is bound to attract more attention to my advert than would a well-behaved moggy passing quietly by. I totally win.

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