Igualdade, Liberdade e Fraternidade
After last Sunday's peek into the peculiar world of German simulations, I thought I'd go mainstream this week and draw attention to a free Portuguese-language action-adventure featuring swordplay, art appreciation, and conversations with Voltaire and Rousseau. Having stumbled through about twenty minutes of Tríade so far, I'm convinced it's both "The finest Brazilian-made game about the French Revolution I have ever played" and also "Probably not worth downloading".
The fact that a Brazilian dev has made a French Revolution game isn't nearly as weird as it sounds. Of the handful of studios operating in that part of the world, most of them seem to be engaged in projects celebrating social upheaval. Donsoft have just completed the first episode of Capoeira Legends, a game about a Nineteenth Century slave who kicks his way to freedom with the help of a balletic Brazilian martial-art. I don't think ACE Team have much to fear, but it's nice to find a dev that isn't afraid of the 's' word.
And meanwhile, up north, a university-based team from Para are busy fiddling with Jogo da Cabanagem, an "Educational Playful Electronic Game of Strategy" (Babel Fish) set a few years after Capoeira Legends, during the Cabanagem uprising.
Oi! Creative Assembly, you big reactionaries, where's my English Revolution game?