Improbability: Hothead's Hitchhiker's Guide
Hothead Games - they behind Deathspank and Penny Arcade Adventures - have announced a Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy project. And that's just about it. Their very brief press release explains that the game is to be published by Megadodo Publications, which is a form of joke. Other than that, it doesn't even explain that it's a game - merely a "new edition" of The Guide. Videogamer are reporting that it will be on digital platforms, but none has been named. Although Hothead tends to release across the board, so it seems likely it'll come our way.
What a license to take on. Will they be as ambitious as Adams was himself when he had a go? (You can read Victoria Regan's Gaming Made Me all about it.) Will it be an adventure, action, fourth-person turn-based platformer? What do you reckon?