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In Other Waters developer's next game is about a mysterious space uprising

Project Sidereal involves a commandeered space station

After exploring the depths of the seas in their last game, the developer behind In Other Waters' is heading to space. This next story game involves a space station that's been commandeered by its engineers who've rejected corporate control and are repurposing it for some mysterious new goal. Its announcement teaser trailer doesn't let on much, but it sure does have some lovely space music to set the mood in the meantime. Project Sidereal is expected to launch sometime in 2022.

Developer Gareth Damian Martin announced the new project as part of narrative game convention LudoNarraCon over the weekend with this cryptic trailer.

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The teaser trailer doesn't really let on much, but there's a bit more to glean from the game's store page description.

"The Eye refuses the shape it was forged to hold. We, its inheritors, reject the corporate logics of extraction and exploitation. We, its caretakers, repurpose the artefacts of our oppression towards the new shapes to come. We, its engineers, remake the Eye to harbour those who seek its refuge. The Eye opens for us all."

Another in-world log from the page seems to come from the other side of a conflict. "Putting aside the lawless occupation of this station and countless illegal acts it houses, the very existence of such a place, in its independence, should be considered a threat," says the report.

So it's a sort of space station uprising. Engineers, or maybe AIs, have reclaimed and are repurposing a ship. Seems properly mysterious to me.

Multiple RPS folks have written about why they enjoyed Jump Over The Age's prior game. Alice Bee's In Other Waters review explains the magic of seeing the sea through the interface eyes of an AI. It was also one of RPS's favorite games of 2020. It was a good 'un, so it'll be nice to see how Martin and company tackle a space story.

Jump Over The Age have partnered with composer Amos Roddy once again, who also worked on In Other Waters. Martin also says there's a third teammate involved who'll be revealed at a later time.

That's about all there is to know about Project Sidereal for now, but you can find and wishlist it on Steam until it launches next year.

Disclosure: Project Sidereal developer Gareth Damian Martin has some words on RPS from a few years back.

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