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Independence Day: IGF 2014 Open, Ch-Ch-Changes

Dizzyingly popular indie games mega-event, the Independent Games Festival, is happening again. This time in 2014. That happening-confirmation means that submissions for the competition of whose made the bestest computer game without evil corporate help can now be made. But there are changes: Previous IGF finalists will not be allowed to re-enter the same game to this year's festival. Nope, so that's fixed. There's also no more Technical Excellence category, so no matter how technically excellent your game is, it also has to be actually excellent to win. But it has a greater chance of making it to the finals: the number of finalists for each category has risen to six. As usual there are lots of prize monies available. So get submitting!

Hmm, I am sure I had a game I should enter around here somewhere. What was its name again?

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